Friday, April 18, 2008


The University of Loyola at CNMI, Inc. intends to provide its students with the education and experience necessary to become intellectual, ethical and dedicated leaders in their professional fields. Before graduating from the CNMI, each student will give substantial evidence of competency in his/her field by demonstrating the following:
The ability to acquire, manage, integrate and apply knowledge gained, to the members of the community.
The ability to critically evaluate new knowledge and determine its relevance to the changing environments and needs of the community.
An understanding of the organization and financial atmosphere of the student’s field.
An understanding of the socioeconomic and cultural dimensions of the community and their roles in the student’s field.
The ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with members of the student’s field and the community in general.
The ability to learn independently with a critical awareness of the scope and limitations of one’s knowledge, skills and values.
An understanding of the ethical dimensions of the student’s field and his responsibility to the code of ethics for his respective field.
An understanding of the obligations to patients/clients, the profession, and society.
The virtues of fidelity to trust, respect for others, excellence, duty, honor and integrity, humility and accountability, and compassion.
An awareness of the importance of maintaining one’s own well-being and of balancing the demands of professional and personal life.

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